Tuesday 4 June 2013

day 36 Troy and Gallipoli

3 June
We had two tours today, the first was to Troy where we saw ruins of the city walls and some of the houses. It was interesting to see the layers of the city that were rebuilt in different eras and after the city had collapsed from earthquakes. After lunch we joined a tour of Gallipoli (mostly Australians). We started at Brighton beach, then Anzac cove, lone pine, several cemeteries and war memorials, both Australian and Turkish. The area was very beautiful with views of the coastline and of Greece. It was amazing to walk some of the Anzac trenches and see how close they were to Turkish trenches. In the evening we caught a bus to Istanbul, arriving around 11PM.
We have heard a lot today about the protests and rallies occurring around Turkey against the government. We hope to avoid the dangerous areas during our last night in Turkey and may not be able to leave our hotel until we go to the airport tomorrow.

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