Wednesday 17 July 2013

Day 80 Berlin

17 July
Today we went by train to one of the concentration camps, the sachsenhausen memorial. The grounds were laid out as a big triangle so as the grounds could be seen by the main watch tower. There was an example set up of the border of the grounds; a path where you would get shot without warning, an electric barbed wire fence, another path then an 8 foot wall. We went into some barracks that had been restored and had some of the details of the daily life in the camp as well as prisoners' stories. More disturbingly we saw the execution trench, the crematorium, the burial ground of the ashes and the memorial site. It was very emotional and confronting.
In the evening we went to a beer festival for a look around then headed to a pub for schnitzel twice the size of our faces - the meals in Germany really are huge!

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