Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 88 Bergen to Oslo

25 July
After a HUGE buffet breakfast that all four of us finished with shots we walked down to a bakery to get lunch supplies. We then walked down to the front tourist area around the port where there were some souvenir and fish markets (one stall was selling sausages made of deer, reindeer, moose and whale). Then we went to Bryggen which has old wooden wharf buildings that used to be used for trade by ships. Ivar, Alistair and I walked up to a lookout at the top of floeyen. We met Jenny up at the top and looked at the view over Bergen, the fjord, the islands and the ocean beyond. In the afternoon we visited the leprosy museum which had a lot of information about the disease in Norway, the treatment of patients, the establishment of an epidemiological registry and the evolution of theories of the cause of leprosy from inheritence to bacteria. At 4pm we caught a 6 hour train home to Oslo.

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