Thursday 18 July 2013

Day 81 Berlin to Helsinki

18 July
We went for a walk down to the kaiser-wilhelm-gedachtniskirche shopping area and the ruins of an old church. We went inside the remaining part of the church that had been bombed in WW2 and we could see the cracks in the ceiling that had been repaired. It was interesting to see photos of the church next to photos of the ruins and how the council was trying to fix the area. Next to the old church there is a new church built with blue stained glass windows and from inside it was like a blue glow. We used the bus and train to get out to the airport. We flew to Helsinki arriving in the middle of a thunderstorm. We met up with Nick and Tuuli for dinner and went for a walk around some of the tourist areas. The first two photos are Berlin, and third is from Helsinki taken at 1030pm.

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