Monday 22 July 2013

Day 84 Helsinki to Oslo

21 July
Today might have been our record, 3 countries in 1 day. We met Nick and Tuuli for coffee before getting on the ferry to Tallinn in Estonia. The ferry was less than 2 hours. We went straight from the dock to the airport and checked our bags then caught a bus back into the old town section of Tallinn. We had lunch in the old town at a cafe recommended by Tuuli before doing a quick lap within the old town walls and getting the bus back to the airport to fly to Oslo. I wish we could have spent more time there looking at all the nice fairytale style buildings and holiday atmosphere. We got in early evening and we were met by Alistair's family- a luxury to be met at the airport and driven home instead of facing a bus/train/walk in an unfamiliar city. As it was such beautiful weather we sat outside for dinner and planned the next week in Norway.

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